Michael Mauboussin returns for a fascinating encore interview on the Knowledge Project. We geek out on decision making, luck vs. skill, work life balance, and so much more.
Michael Mauboussin is back as a returning guest on the Knowledge Project!
He was actually the very first guest on the podcast when it was still very much an experiment. I enjoyed it so much, I decided to continue with the show. (If you missed his last interview, you can listen to it here, or if you’re a member of The Learning Community, you can download a transcript.)
Michael is one of my very favorite people to talk to, and I couldn’t wait to pick up right where we left off.
In this interview, Michael and I dive deep into some of the topics we care most about here at Farnam Street, including:
Any one of those insights alone is worth a listen, so I think you’re really going to enjoy this interview.
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